You don’t *have* to tweet, James Comey.
That’s a lesson a lot of people on Twitter could stand to learn. But it applies in particular to former FBI Director James Comey, who’s made a habit of posting contemplative photos of himself while standing in nature. These photos appear to have been inspired by Windows ’95 screensavers, and, to make them even more cringeworthy, Comey often includes a “cryptic” caption that in some way relates to the news.
After Attorney General Barr released his summary of the Mueller report on Sunday, Comey responded with a characteristic photo combined with the perfectly meaningless caption, “So many questions.” The former FBI director posted the photo to both Instagram and Twitter.
If Comey had so many questions, Twitter had so many quality responses.
When you write bad calendar poetry, James Comey, you get ratio’d.
Here are some of the very best responses to Comey’s cornball post.
there’s one big question we still don’t have an answer to: did comey go into the woods specifically to take that photo or does he have a collection of pensive silhouettes that he keeps around just in case
— Ashley Feinberg (@ashleyfeinberg) March 25, 2019
Can the trees help you unsend the letter?
— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) March 24, 2019
Other than the actual Mueller report, the main thing we’ve all been waiting for is a tweet from James Comey about the remaining questions, flanked by a picture of trees. Now that’s out too.
— Ari Melber (@AriMelber) March 24, 2019
next Comey tweet: pic of him staring at a cactus
“Who am I?”
— Bill Corbett (@BillCorbett) March 25, 2019
Any time I see Comey tweet, I think about the time I saw him sitting in the center of the room at a Los Angeles hotel bar, smiling and waiting eagerly for people to come up and take selfies with him.
— Daniel D’Addario (@DPD_) March 25, 2019
Graham on Comey’s tweet: “I was sort of like, what is the whole forest thing about?”
— Alana Abramson (@aabramson) March 25, 2019
One thing that I think we can probably all agree on as Americans in this difficult time is that James Comey is bad.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) March 25, 2019
No matter where you stand on the political spectrum, we can all agree that James Comey’s tweets are bad.
from Declare News