Trust Lex Luthor? Oh, brother, that would be a mistake.
Four years ago, Lex (John Cryer, perfectly bald and perfectly slippery and perfectly brilliant) wreaked havoc on the world by unleashing a red sun. He also tied his sister to a chair and caused her a great deal of emotional upset by trying to show the world that Superman can bleed. “At least he’s a good man,” Lena spits, and Lex doesn’t like that.
“I was the man of tomorrow. Not him. NOT HIM,” he shouts. Then he blows up a helicopter with a tap to his extremely smartwatch and allows himself to be taken into custody.
Today, he’s delivered via helicopter to Lena on mercy furlough from prison, near death from cancer thanks to Kryptonite poisoning. His fault for trying to, you know, kill Superman.
He asks her to finish the Harun-El serum, but she refuses to endanger any lives to test it. Then Eve runs in with news about James. (Lex gives her his coffee order because of course, he does.)
James’ shooter activated his Supergirl watch—iiiiiinteresting that s/he knew about that—and she found him bleeding out in his office. His spine was badly injured, and Kara, Alex, Brainy, and Nia all wait anxiously as Lena storms in demanding answers. After all, she does own the hospital.
Brainy stops her with a reminder about managing her emotions: “Little boxes, comrade.” Then Alex is the second person that day who tries to convince Lena to uncork her miracle cure, but she demurs.
“I can’t summon a breakthrough through sheer force of will,” Lena says, but Alex points out that this is literally what Lena does.
It sends Lena back to Luthor manor, where she tells Lex she pushed James away so he wouldn’t find out that she was working with her brother on the project. Um, that’s not what happened, though? Anyway, she needs Lex’s help to separate the Harun-El’s healing powers from its superpowers. Although he’s not thrilled to be saving Superman’s best pal, they get to work.
Their lifelong dynamic is…testy. He belittles her, which drives her to work harder. Naturally, that allows him to lay claim to all of her success (*eye roll*). He does finally tell her that he’s proud of her; even he couldn’t create Kryptonite, after all.
When he’s wracked by coughs, the mean guard who brings him a glass of water intentionally drops it, and later, allows Lex to fall from his chair and sprawl on the floor. Although Eve’s uncomfortable giving Lex the run of the lab, Lena props him up, and they get to work.
J’onn, meanwhile, is convinced that Manchester shot James and uses their psychic link to track him. Kara lies to Alex that she’s needed at CatCo, and she and J’onn arrive at the spot where Myr’nn merged with the earth to stop the Kryptonian witches in the season 3 finale. Only now it’s on fire, and Manchester is brandishing the staff of H’ronmeer, which was so powerful it had to be hidden on Earth.
While Kara blows out the last of the flames, Manchester taunts J’onn with the Martians’ warlike god and the promise of the Punishments. J’onn realizes Manchester only knows about that because their psychic link works both ways. (Next page: Never, never, never trust Lex)
from Declare News