This is One Good Thing, a weekly column where we tell you about one of the few nice things that happened this week.
Doodling can be a great way to get the creative juices flowing, to help concentrate during class, or to kill time when you’re done taking a test.
Drawing during class is often frowned upon and scolded by teachers who think that their students are paying too much attention to their creations and not the lecture. However, some professors applaud their students artistic endeavors.
When Kaitlyn Kearns was finishes with her mechanical systems class quizes, she uses the extra time to draw out these adorable sea creatures. Her professor leaves the sweetest responses to the doodles the back of the assignments.
After sharing the images, Twitter responded with a collective “aww.”
Her professor’s comments and encouragement elevated the already cute cartoons to a new level of wholesome.
Lots of people were curious to know if she’d done well on these quizzes considering she had the time to draw such pretty pictures. She assured her audience that she only drew pictures when she was sure she’d gotten everything right, but didn’t have any more content to share since that class had gotten increasingly difficult.
Kearns is an undergraduate studying mechanical engineering at the University of Kentucky and hopes to create a webcomic about the struggles of college life. Based off of the outcry for more drawings, she seems to have quite the audience already built in.
Since people seem interested:
– I only draw if I’m sure I did it right and I have extra time
– I did get As on all these quizzes
– currently don’t have more to post cause the class got harder
Please keep posting your doodles tho they’re so cute— Kaitlyn Kearns (@KaitlynK113) March 21, 2019
It turns out Kearns isn’t the only one whose teacher remarks on class time drawings. Many other students shared their artwork on the thread with similar engagement from their teachers.
Some teachers added on to their students’ doodles, bringing them to life just a bit more.
While others gave bonus points for making them chuckle.
Let’s hope Kaitlyn’s class gets easier so she can giver her people what they crave, more back-of-quiz doodles!
from Declare News