There may be another attack of the clones coming to television. EW has confirmed that Temple Street Productions and AMC are in the early stages of development on a possible new series set in the Orphan Black universe. Variety first broke the news.
Telling the tale of clone sisters caught up in a genetic conspiracy, Orphan Black aired for five seasons on BBC America, signing off for good on Aug. 12, 2017. Tatiana Maslany was nominated for three Emmys — winning once — for playing multiple lead characters. Sources tell EW that various pitches from different writers have been solicited, but that no concept has been landed on as of yet, and that while the show would be set in the Orphan Black universe, it would not be a traditional spin-off. AMC declined to comment.
While original creators John Fawcett and Graeme Manson are not involved in the new series at this time, that could conceivably change as development continues. Also open to question is whether the show would air on BBC America, AMC, or both (as Killing Eve will for its upcoming season 2), but, hey, it wouldn’t truly be Orphan Black without questions wrapped in enigmas wrapped in mysteries.
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