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Legacies recap: Malivore’s true nature is revealed (for real this time)!

Warning: The following contains spoilers from Thursday’s Legacies. Read at your own risk.

Tonight, we found out the true nature of Malivore.

In its penultimate episode, Legacies dropped one hell of a twist: Malivore is actually Landon’s —  and Triad Agent Clarke’s — father. Yes, you read that correctly.

Here’s a quick explanation: Malivore was originally Gollum that was created by a witch, vampire, and werewolf — a triad, if you will — to consume monsters like dragons, who were terrorizing humans. Over the years, he kept eating monsters and erasing them from memory until he decided that he wanted to procreate. So, he created Clarke from mud; however, he casted Clarke aside because he was sterile and couldn’t continue his legacy. Angry, Clarke teamed up with some humans and witches to turn Malivore back into mud, trapping him in that form with three locks.

Over the years, the humans who put Malivore away became known as Triad Industries and continued to throw things in the pit — both monsters and just regular humans they wanted to get rid of. Through that process, Malivore started to absorb human DNA. Thus, when Landon’s mother went in, he was able to procreate with her and create the perfect offspring: Landon, who was born after Malivore pushed his mother back out.

Now Clarke, who had a change of heart as the years went by, wants to free Malivore, and he needs Landon to do so because only the Eater of Darkness’ true heir can open the final lock. And Landon agrees to help him find the third lock, but only because Clarke says that Malivore will take down Triad Industries, which poses a threat to all of his friends at the Salvatore School. And he’s not wrong about that. As the episode ended, uniformed Triad forces stormed the Virginia school.

Surprisingly, this wasn’t the only thing big development, so I’m hard at work on my full recap of the episode. In the meantime, hit the comments and share your thoughts on everything that went down tonight.

This post will be updated later. 

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