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Charmed recap: Macy the Devil Slayer

In the few episodes since the truth about Macy’s oft-talked about darkness was revealed, the reaction to finding out she has demon blood in her has taken center stage. With Galvin off to learn how to rid her of the ibi, Macy takes a reasonable approach to dealing with stress: cake and guilty pleasure TV. However, as she’s a Charmed One, a night of doing nothing comes with unusual side effects.

The episode begins in Jada’s apartment, where Mel and Jada retreated following the ambush seemingly set up by Niko. As Mel dresses Jada’s shoulder wound, which can’t be healed by magic due to protection spells on the arrow she was shot with, the pair try to figure out how Niko came to be working for witch hunters. Mel is insistent Niko’s been duped by the hunters. Still, Jada wants to talk to Niko and learn more about her clients, forcing Mel to come clean about her “breakup” with Niko. While she maintains their relationship is over, Mel’s surprised and livid when Jada reveals an alternative to the rewriting history spell that would have protected Niko without forcing the end of their relationship.

Meanwhile, a very much back together Parker and Maggie attempt to have sex for the first time. However, they’re unable to get very far when a force field erupts from Maggie, sending Parker across the room. At the house, Macy is avoiding her feelings about Galvin’s dangerous journey by excessively baking and making cheeky Jumanji references (in honor of Ser’Darius Blain’s role in the rebooted franchise).

Maggie bursts in to talk about the magical sex interference she and Parker just experienced. A conversation between the sisters about their powers and emotions prompts Maggie to realize her fears about reuniting with Parker given their history and his demon powers might have triggered the force field. When Maggie goes in for a hug, she accidentally sticks her hand on the stove top…and leaves it there. Mel enters the kitchen just as Macy and Maggie realize Maggie’s hand has just been sitting there burning on the stove top and alerts Harry. Healing the very nasty burns on her hand, Harry admits her inability to feel the burning sensation may be demon related and thinks she should talk to Charity.

Having just learned about the alternative spell that could have saved her relationship with Niko, and feeling increasingly distrustful of the Elder Council, Mel is very much against involving the Elders. She repeats the revelation back to the group and while Harry has never heard of the spell, Mel is firm in believing the elders need to stay out of Macy’s situation. The bickering continues until Macy puts an end to the conversation, opting instead to seek refuge in the attic with a cake, essential oil, and her favorite ‘90s teen show.

Harry goes into the attic to check on her and Macy admits she’s worried Mel’s resentment towards the Elders will cause a major rift among the sisters. Noting how much is at stake — for her and the world — he encourages her again to reach out to Charity. However, Macy is not in a headspace to do so, telling the Whitelighter that right now she needs to zone out and watch TV.

Harry sticks around to catch a few scenes of Heaven’s Vice — a fictional and hilariously painful ‘90s drama starring Scott Porter and Jimmy Tatro as a pair of angel brothers sent down to battle demons. However, their bonding session is cut very short after the Whitelighter deems the premise absurd and leaves her to it.

While getting comfortable for a long night of Heaven’s Vice, Macy accidentally knocks over the bottle of the “escape” essential oil onto the Wi-Fi router, which causes an electrical reaction and opens a portal…causing Gideon and Levi, the main characters from Heaven’s Vice, to materialize into the attic. While the confused brothers confront Macy about who she is, a vampire from the TV series also gets transported with them and takes off through the house. After confronting Harry, the vampire makes its way to the backyard, where Macy is able to help the brothers kill it.

Following her conversation with Macy, Maggie arrives back at Parker’s to clear the air and try to have sex again. But when she comes clean about her fear that he’ll hurt her again, and admits her emotions manifested into the force field, Parker sets off on a crisis of his own.

During their meeting with Niko, she admits to missing some major details in the background check. Jada discovers the pair behind the attack are people she crossed a few years ago who are now seeking revenge. Niko wants to help take them down — with the help of the police — and sets up a meeting with her clients. However, Jada is secretly working on a plan of her own. Despite her insistence to Jada that she and Niko are definitely over, Mel finds out that Niko is getting married and definitely has some feelings about it.

(Recap continues on next page…)

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