When you think “champagne tower” you might think of Leonardo DiCaprio in The Great Gatsby. But did you ever stop and think about how that tower got put together?
This bartender was trying to put the finishing touches on a champagne tower when the entire thing came crashing down.
Сбербанк решил с размахом отметить Международный женский день в одном из московских офисов, но подвел профессиональный (!) бармен pic.twitter.com/T2l87ebR5a
— Лента.ру (@lentaruofficial) March 7, 2019
The tower came to a shattering halt when one finicky glass created a domino effect with disastrous consequences. The bartender was powerless to the downfalls of gravity, and could only stand and watch his tower tumble.
Major props to that one violin player in the back who remained unfazed and kept right on playing.
According to Russian outlet Lenta.ru, who shared the video, the incident occurred in Moscow on Friday at the state-owned banking service Sberbank. It was reportedly a celebration for International Women’s Day.
from Declare News https://ift.tt/2H6mJZf