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Game of Thrones actor on whether Ser Jorah is jealous of Jon Snow

Ser Jorah Mormont has been to hell and back for Daenerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones, and it’s been clear since season one that he’s had — or used to have — a massive crush on the Mother of Dragons. Jorah clearly bristled when Dany began hooking up with the handsome yet arrogant Daario Naharis, then had his heart broken when he was exiled after his early spying for King Robert Baratheon came to light. Jorah fought greyscale, gladiators, and the insurgent Sons of the Harpy to get back into Dany’s good graces, and now she’s taken up with the King in the North.

So how does the Westerosi knight feel about his queen’s newfound Jon Snow romance?

“I don’t know what people perceive,” actor Iain Glen tells EW. “But in my mind, there was a significant shift when he lost her love and made this journey to try and win it back; once he won her favor again and was in her orbit. Of course, there has always been a profound love there but him wanting a reciprocal physical love has gone and he was just happy to be with her.”

As for Jon Snow, who he got to know a bit on their trek beyond The Wall in season 7. Snow even offered to give Mormont back his father’s sword Longclaw, which he declined.

“He believes in Jon Snow like a lot of people do and has gotten to know him in their travels together last season,” Glen says. “He thinks he’s a good match with Daenerys best interests in mind. It’s a complicated emotion, but I think he feels that they would be a good unification and he’s basically supportive.”

Now Tyrion Lannister, on the other hand, is a bit of a different story. As we first reported, that troubled look that Tyrion had outside of Dany’s cabin when she was with Jon Snow in the season 7 finale had some jealousy mixed in.

“It’s complicated,” Peter Dinklage said. “A lot of the time with Tyrion, it’s professional and personal. Obviously, he has feelings for Daenerys. He loves her — or thinks he does. She’s awe-inspiring. He’s questioning that because he doesn’t have a good track record for falling in love. There’s jealousy wrapped up in there. And he loves Jon Snow, too. They’re the two people he has the most in common with, in a way — they’re both outsiders in their own families who have refused to follow the path their family has taken, and hopefully for the better. He’s wondering how smart of a move [Jon and Dany getting romantically involved is], because passion and politics don’t mix well. He knows the two of them getting together could be very dangerous.”

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