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Blue milk and more — a restaurant guide for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

Raise a toast, Star Wars fans — it’s blue milk time!

Ever since it first appeared in the original 1977 movie, moviegoers have been wondering what Luke Skywalker’s favorite beverage would taste like.

They’ll finally get their chance to try it when the Galaxy’s Edge theme park attractions open at Disneyland this summer and Walt Disney World in the fall. All the comfort food served here has a galactic twist.

For instance, there are no chickens in the Star Wars universe, so you can enjoy fried “tip-yip,” which are the large, flightless bird seen pecking around the Ewoks’ village on the forest moon of Endor.

What you eat is part of the story.

But first, refreshments!

Blue Milk

In the First Order-controlled sector of Black Spire Outpost, there’s a cart set up just across from the TIE Echelon fighter where you can get a cool glass of blue milk — or green, if that’s your preference.

Okay, why is this a big deal? It’s the drink Luke shared during a meal with his Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen in A New Hope. It was a visual that was never explained, meant to underscore the strangeness of the universe by highlighting how exotic the ordinary could seem.

It has turned up on screen a few times since then. In Rogue One, Jyn Erso’s mother, Lyra, has a pitcher of it in their kitchen.

But still… what is it?

“I will tell you it’s not actually milk,” says Scott Trowbridge, the Imagineering creative executive in charge of Galaxy’s Edge. “If you’re walking around Florida in the middle of August, the last thing you want is, uh, a huge glass of milk.”

The blue milk is actually plant-based dairy — essentially rice milk — which makes it easier for everyone to enjoy, even the lactose intolerant. And it’s soft-frozen, like a milkshake.

Galaxy’s Edge beverage director Brian Koziol says it has been sweetened and infused with berry and melon flavors. “It’s a lot like a smoothie.”

After Luke was seen in The Last Jedi milking a sea creature known as a Thala-Siren, park directors decided to add a second flavor to the menu: green milk, which is the same substance, but with lemon and other citrus flavoring.

Oga’s Cantina

You can also find a blue milk in this establishment in an indoor watering hole across town, but it’s served a little differently.

The blue milk in Oga Garra’s cantina is called the Blue Bantha, and it comes garnished with a sugar cookie, topped with rice crisp and a Bantha horn made out of frosting — essentially, the Star Wars version of classic cookies and milk. (You can see it and some of the other drinks in this gallery.)

The Blue Bantha is non-alcoholic, but Oga’s Cantina will be the first place guests in Disneyland will be able to drink booze in the Southern California park. Among the adult beverages is the Bloody Rancor (a variation on the Bloody Mary), a Fuzzy Tauntaun (think: fuzzy navel), and a Bespin Fizz (kind of a rum-based, bubbling twist on the cosmopolitan.)

Is that Oga in the concept art? Maybe. But probably not. Few people have laid eyes on the local crime lord, who has business entanglements all through this corner of the galaxy, and she doesn’t socialize with the clientele.

The character who most dominates this space is one Disney theme park visitors have encountered before: RX-24, a.k.a. Rex, the hapless droid who made all the wrong moves as the original pilot of the Star Tours ride in 1987.

Rex has since been replaced on that attraction by C-3PO, but Imagineers decided to show that he had a happy ending pursuing his dream of making music.

“He’s such an endearing character for a lot of Disney fans because he makes mistakes,” says Margaret Kerrison, managing story editor with Walt Disney Imagineering. “He’s not perfect at his job, and we can all understand that. Some days are rougher than others, and now Rex is reprogrammed to be a DJ in the Cantina because Oga needed entertainment.”

Docking Bay 7

Joshua Sudock/Disney Parks

Located in the heart of downtown Black Spire Outpost, you can spot this sit-down restaurant from around Galaxy’s Edge thanks to the delivery shuttle parked on top.

Chef Strono “Cookie” Tuggs is the proprietor, and that’s his kitchen — a modified Sienar-Chall Utilipede Transport. In other words, a flying food truck.

He’s dropping off meals for the customers below, and the trailer-size food crates themselves are marked with a sly Easter egg.

The first one is stamped 77, the middle one — which is dangling through an iris in the restaurant ceiling as it is delivered — is marked with 80, and the other one still aboard the ship is No. 83. Those are the three release years of the original trilogy.

We don’t know much else about “Cookie” Tuggs, except that he honed his culinary skills working in the kitchen of Maz Kanata’s castle on Takodana.

For a closer look at his menu, check out the gallery of foods from Galaxy’s Edge.

Ronto Roasters

A ronto is the dinosaur-like, four-legged lizard beast that a Jawa was seen riding through Mos Eisely in the Star Wars: Special Edition released in 1997. (It was a modification of the tech used in Jurassic Park, and the name is an abbreviation of “brontosaurus.”)

Despite looking like flightless dragons, rontos are cow-like beasts of burden. They’re also tasty.

In this food stand, a weary droid turns a crank that spins slabs of their meat beneath a slow-roaster made out of an old podracer engine. The food being cooked by the robot is just a prop; the real stuff (actually barbecue pork accompanied by grilled sausage and coleslaw on a chalupa) is prepared in the kitchen.

This sandwich also comes with “clutch sauce,” which chef Jason Martin says is a unique Szechuan peppercorn condiment that they created and named after Darth Vader’s Force-choke. “It kind of gets you right here,” Martin says, touching the sides of his throat.

Kat Saka’s Kettle

Kat Saka lives outside the city walls of Black Spire on a nearby farming homestead. That’s where the Saka family has been growing the grain that they heat into a fluffy, flavored treat to peddle in the marketplace alley.

Basically, space popcorn — which comes in a variety of sweet, salty, or spicy varieties.

Like a Rancor devouring Jabba’s Gamorean guards, once you start crunching, it’s hard to stop at just one handful.

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